California Student Aid Commission

The CSU student member of CSAC, broadly, plays the same role as all other members of the Commission. Their role is to improve California’s financial aid system. While there is a CSU administrator on the Commission, the CSU student provides the unique perspective that only a student can. While the experiences of the CSU student members are important, they will need to gather information and data from students across the 23 CSU campuses.

The term of the 2020/2022 student member of the California Student Aid Commission begins at appointment by the Governor (approximately June 1, 2020) and ends on May 31, 2022.

About CSAC
About CSAC Membership
CSAC Website


Friday, April 3, 2020 2020/2022 California Student Aid Commission application materials available
Friday, May 1, 2020 by 5:00 pm All completed application materials received via ‘The CSSA 2020/2022 California Student Aid Commission Application
Week of May 11, 2020 (approximate): Applicants notified of application status and information is sent to the Governor’s Office for consideration


Individuals seeking to apply for CSAC commissioner must meet the following minimum requirements.



Every three years, the Cal State Student Association (CSSA) nominates at least three, but no more than five, CSU students to the California State Governor for the California Student Aid Commissioner position.

Appointment Process


Please carefully review the following steps of the application process. CSU students interested in applying to serve as as the CSU student member on the 2020/2022 California Student Aid Commission must utilize the following process:

To be eligible to apply, you must:

  1. be 18 years or older
  2. be eligible for in-state tuition based on of the following:
    1. be a citizen of the state of California as defined by California Government Code 241 OR
    2. qualify for exemption from paying nonresident tuition as defined by California Education Code §66016.3
  1. Must be an enrolled CSU student for the two academic years (2020/2021 academic year and the 2021/2022 academic year)
  2. be a current undergraduate student maintaining 6 semester (9 quarter) units OR

a current graduate student maintaining 3 semester (4 quarter) units at a California State University campus

  1. be in good standing, and not on academic, disciplinary or administrative probation
  2. have obtained a 2.0 or greater grade point average during the previous term

To be eligible to hold the position, you must, for the duration of the term,:

  1. be 18 years or older
  2. be eligible for in-state tuition based on of the following:
    1. be a citizen of the state of California as defined by California Government Code 241 OR
    2. qualify for exemption from paying nonresident tuition as defined by California Education Code §66016.3
  1. Must be an enrolled CSU student for the two academic years (2020/2021 academic year and the 2021/2022 academic year)be a current undergraduate student maintaining 6 semester (9 quarter) units OR

a current graduate student maintaining 3 semester (4 quarter) units at a California State University campus

  1. remain in good standing, and not on academic, disciplinary or administrative probation
  2. maintain a 2.0 or greater grade point average each term
    1. Be sure to include any and all work experience or internships you’ve held
    2. For readability, save your resume as a PDF in the following format:
    1. First Initial, Last Name ‘Resume’.pdf
    2. Ex. For candidate Alex Baker: ABaker Resume.pdf
    1. If you need assistance developing your resume, you are encouraged to visit your campus’ career center
    1. Write a response of no more than 750 words to the following prompt:

Please share why you are interested in serving on the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). What are two of the most critical financial aid issues facing California students and how would you recommend addressing them?

    1. Please include “2020/2022 Student Aid Commission, your first and last name, the essay prompt, and your essay response.
    1. The title and your name will not be included in the 750 word essay limit
    2. Please use the ‘CSSA Essay Template’ for the essay template
    1. For readability, save your essay as a PDF in the following format:
    1. First Initial, Last Name ‘Essay’.pdf
    2. Ex. For candidate Alex Baker: ABaker Essay.pdf


For all other questions please email btsubaki@calstatestudents.org



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About CSSA